- She/Her
- 19
- Cis woman
- Lesbian
- Demon
Caroline is a former persecutor that's now become our primary and most reliable protector. She's been an on-and-off frequent fronter since 2020, and very recently has started fronting far more.
She can sass you within an inch of your life if she wants to. She's blunt, sarcastic, and has zero tolerance for bullshit- But is also energetic and playful with those she likes. She tends to be incredibly opinionated and hotheaded, and is one of the only alters that still does a fair bit of online discourse. She's not afraid to say what she believes, at any cost- Sometimes to her own detriment, really. She kind of enjoys the adrenaline, though.
While she rarely shows it outright, she has a much softer and more caring side to her that usually bleeds through in the form of brutal honesty and grounded advice in difficult situations. It's her way of saying "I respect you enough to sit down and talk this through with you", and genuine respect from her is a bit rare to come by.
She has low-grade gatekeeper/managerial abilities and acts as an advisor for Horizon- Along with Piper at times. She has a major soft spot for Piper after everything he's done in the past to help her heal and move past the maladaptive coping mechanisms that made her a persecutor. She also used to have a disdain towards Gavin that's presently turned into a friendly (but sometimes snappy) rivalry. She's fiercely protective of both Piper and Gavin. She also gets along well with Jackson and has, in the past, worked with him as a crisis host pair.
Currently, she's been watching Bojack Horseman and enjoying it quite a bit. She's really one of the only alters that watches TV like that these days. She also likes drawing, writing (including poetry), video games (namely Hades and Hollow Knight), hanging out with the small circle of people she genuinely trusts, chocolate, and cheesecake.
She's very good at putting her foot down and not taking anyone's shit, but also in the past year or so has made great strides in learning when to curb her aggression in favor of being assertive. She looks out for the others- and for her friends- and will stop at nothing to protect them if need be. While she's far more prominently an emotional protector than a physical protector, she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty either and has a history of fronting in physically unsafe situations. She's come a long way from where she started when we first met her, and we're incredibly proud of her and deeply appreciate her help.

Fun Facts


"You think I'm not a goddess? Try me. This is a torch song. Touch me and you'll burn."