- He/Him
- 23
- Male
- Gay
- Human
Flint- Originally known as Parker in 2019- was one of the first known alters upon initial discovery of the system, along with Piper and Cassie. He's our primary caretaker (and really the only dedicated caretaker that fronts frequently). He's very laid-back, observant, and kind in a brotherly way- But also very guarded, and somewhat introverted compared to the other main fronters.
He's someone that rarely ever gets truly angry, and easily gets along with (or at least tolerates) people most of the others in the system can't stand. He's very good at conflict and crisis de-escalation both internally and externally- He tends to care for our friends (or even strangers, in some cases) the same way he cares for the others in the system when they need it. He's also very good with kids. He isn't great at outwardly showing affection, but he cares deeply about people and is in general very sentimental. While he's observant enough to rival even Piper, he usually keeps his observations to himself.
Due to his ability to access almost all restricted areas of the system/headspace, he's very helpful in acting as a bridge/messenger between sections of the system that otherwise wouldn't have contact with each other. According to him, he technically doesn't 'belong' to any one section of the system the way most of the others do and exists outside of most of our internal structure. Even very key gatekeepers like Horizon don't have much influence over him- But he collaborates with them regardless.
A lot of his free time is spent outside- He especially loves camping and the woods in general, but he'll generally enjoy himself anywhere outdoors. While he doesn't seek out interaction with people as much as the others, he does very much enjoy people-watching. One of his favorite activities at the moment is getting food from the food trucks that occasionally come to our apartment complex and sitting on the side of the road to watch other people gather there. He also loves 90's rock music, Skyrim, drawing, writing, and Spiderman/Spiderverse.
Internally he's dating Piper and, unlike most of the others, considers himself monogamous. Piper spends a lot of time at his house in the headspace. He works very closely with Jynx (and did so even more than he does now in 2020-2021) and also collaborates with Horizon on some matters. He's very close with Fifer (Piper's sister) and frequently checks on her in the headspace. Things have been a bit tense between him and Jackson since 2021 after they had a very bad fallout that they.. still haven't fully resolved.

Fun Facts


"Forward is my only choice."